Reuniones Científicas en el MARQ

Yang Qian

Yang Qian

(b. 1969). Restoration specialist, associate researcher. Nacida en 1969. Especialista en restauración e investigadora asociada.


She started to work in September 1990 and joined the cultural and museum system in May 2004, engaged in the protection and restoration of cultural relics.

Her main expertise and research direction is the preventive protection of movable cultural relics, the protection and restoration of bronze, pottery, and other cultural relics. She presided over the completion of national-protection special projects such as «Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Preventive Protection Project of Movable Cultural Relics», «Protection and Restoration Project of Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Bronze Collection», «Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Earthquake Preventive Protection of Movable Precious Cultural Relics» and participated in the national-protection special projects such as «Protection and Restoration Project of Bronze Relics in Baoji Stone Drum Mountain Shang and Zhou Cemetery».


Empezó su carrera profesional en 1990, y en 2004 se integró en el sistema de museos para trabajar en la protección y restauración de patrimonio cultural.

Su principal área de especialización y estudio es la conservación preventiva de patrimonio cultural móvil, especialmente la restauración de bronce, cerámica y otros artefactos. Ha dirigido varios proyectos nacionales de conservación, como “Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Preventive Protection Project of Movable Cultural Relics», «Protection and Restoration Project of Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Bronze Collection», «Baoji Bronze Ware Museum’s Earthquake Preventive Protection of Movable Precious Cultural Relics”. También ha participado en otros proyectos especiales, como “Protection and Restoration Project of Bronze Relics in Baoji Stone Drum Mountain Shang and Zhou Cemetery».