Reuniones Científicas en el MARQ
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla
Almazán - Necrópolis bajo la muralla

The meeting is scheduled to take place at the MARQ-Archaeological Museum of Alicante on October 14 and 15, 2021. There will be sessions in the morning and afternoon. Papers will be approximately 30 minutes including 10 minutes question and answer time. A large group of specialists will present a general picture of archaeological research on hard raw materials of animal origin (bone, antler and ivory) from more recent prehistoric and protohistoric periods from both  the Iberian Peninsula and also more far away territories in Western and Central Europe as well as the Central Mediterranean area.

The meeting has a double objective: on the one hand, we seek to evaluate the actual situation involving the study of bone working and use during the Chalcolithic,  Bronze and  Iron Ages in Europe, focusing on the impact of the appearance and generalized use of metal tools  in each region; and, on the other hand, we seek to promote a necessary dialogue between researchers, one that will allow them to improve and advance along new paths of study at both a methodological and epistemological level.

Congreso Metal and Work bone at MARQ

Scientific management:
Juan A. López Padilla – Nöelle Provenzano

Administrative Secretary:
Inmaculada Cartagena Marín
Encarnación González Climent
Olga Manresa Bevia

Promoted by: MARQ-Museo Arqueológico de Alicante

Researchers with a long history of research in this field of study, such as Alice M. Choyke from the Central European University in Budapest/Vienna, and Noelle Provenzano, from the CNRS in Marseille have been invited. Together with them, as well as other outstanding researchers such as Selena Vitezovic, from the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, Justyna Baron, from the University of Wroclaw in Poland, and Rozalia Christidou, from the CNRS in Lyon, will offer us a complete panorama of the study of bone artifacts at the beginning of the Metal Ages over a wide area of Europe: from Poland to Albania and Greece and from northern Italy to the Carpathians. 



Here are the links to the live broadcast of the Congress from the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ)

Thursday, October 14th


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Thursday, October 14th


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Friday, October15th


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Friday, October 15th


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Many other researchers from various universities, research institutes, museums and other Spanish and international entities, will also present the latest  research on this part of the archaeological record from the Iberian Peninsula: from the worked bone and ivory materials from a megalithic sites in Portugal and the extraordinary Chalcolithic sites of Valencina de la Concepción and Los Millares; to those worked bone assemblages documented in the Copper and Bronze Age settlements of the southeast, east and central area of the Iberian Peninsula such as Los Castillejos, Camino de las Yeseras or La Vital; the latest results of research on tools and bone, antler and ivory ornaments from the Argaric sites; and final presentation of finds from some emblematic Late Bronze from some places such as Cabezo Redondo or the Iron Age site of Ullastret.


Alice Choyke

Central European University, Budapest/Vienna

Ana Catarina Sousa

University of Lisboa

Auxilio Moreno Onorato

University of Granada

Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowska

Wroclaw University, Poland

Claudia Pau

University of Granada

Corina Liesau Von Lettow-Vorbeck

Autonomous University of Madrid

Eva Alarcón García

University of Granada

Josep Lluís Pascual Benito

Prehistory Museum of Valencia

Juan Antonio López Padilla

MARQ-Archaeological Museum of Alicante

Justyna Baron

Wroclaw University, Poland

Manuel Altamirano

UNED Córdoba

Marcin Diakowski

Archaeoreplica, Poland

Marta Blasco Martín

University of Valencia

Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla

University of Tübingen, Germany

Miriam Luciañez-Triviño

University of the Basque Country

Noëlle Provenzano

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Marseille, France

Rozalia Christidou

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Lyon, France

Ruth Maicas Ramos

National Archaeological Museum

Selena Vitezovic

Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, Serbia

Thomas X. Schuhmacher

German Archaeological Institute in Madrid

Registration for the congress will be open from 15 June

Congreso de Metales y materiales óseos en el Marq

Logo congreso ingles

Download the Congress poster

You can download the poster of the congress


Peineta de Millares

Sessions programme

Alice Choyke | Noelle Provenzano
Metal and bone materials in Prehistoric Europe. An overview 
Metal y materias óseas en la Prehistoria de Europa. Una visión general 

Selena Vitezovic | Vedrana Krištofić
La tecnología del asta de ciervo en la cultura de Vučedol (Eneolítico final / principios de la Edad de Bronce)
Antler technology in the Late Eneolithic / Early Bronze Age Vučedol culture

Thomas X. Schuhmacher
Procedencia, intercambio, trabajo y amortización de marfil en Portugal durante el Calcolítico (Link)
Origin, trade, work and amortization of ivory in Chalcolithic Portugal (Link)

Rozalia Christidou
El uso de herramientas metálicas en la elaboración de los artefactos óseos del IV al II milenio a.C. en el norte de Grecia y el sudeste de Albania [link]
The use of metal tools from the standpoint of the bone artefacts from 4th–2nd millennia BC North Greece and Southeast Albania [link]

Ruth Maicas
Retorno a Los Millares (Santa Fe de Mondújar, Almería). La industria ósea en el mundo funerario calcolítico [link]
Return to Los Millares (Santa Fe de Mondújar, Almería). Bone industry in the world of the chalcolithic dead [link]

Justyna Baron | Marcin Diakowski | Bernadeta Kufel-Diakowska | Dawid Sych
Changes in use flint to metal tools on bone/antler objects in Bronze Age Poland [link]
El cambio de las herramientas de sílex por las de metal y sus repercusiones en la industria ósea de la Edad del Bronce en Polonia [link]

Alice Choyke
Bronze Age bone working in the Carpathian Basin. The site of Százhalombatta-Földvár
El trabajo del hueso en la Edad del Bronce en la Cuenca de los Cárpatos. El yacimiento de Százhalombatta-Földvár

Juan Antonio López
Producción y productividad: punzones de hueso de la Edad del Bronce en Sureste peninsular [link]
Production and productivity: Bronze Age bone awls in the Southeastern Iberia [link]

Ana Catarina Sousa 

Artefactos óseos en Estremadura, Portugal: contextos de vida y muerte en la zona de Ribeira de Cheleiros (Mafra, Sintra) en el IV y III milenio a.C. [link]

Bone artefacts in Estremadura, Portugal: life and death contexts at Ribeira de Cheleiros area (Mafra, Sintra) in the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE [link]

Miriam Luciáñez
Marfiles del mega-sitio calcolítico de Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán (Sevilla) [link]
Ivory objects from the Chalcolithic macro-site of Valencina de la Concepción- Castilleja de Guzmán (Sevilla) [link]

Noelle Provenzano
Bone and antler production in the Northern Italian terramara
La industria de hueso y asta en las terramara de la Edad del Bronce del Norte de Italia

Corina Liesau
La industria de marfil en el yacimiento calcolítico de Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid): su valor social en la vida y en la muerte [link]
The ivory industry in the Chalcolithic site of Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid): its social value in life and death [link]

Josep Lluis Pascual
La industria ósea en materias duras de vertebrados durante el Neolítico final y Calcolítico en el Este de la península Ibérica: la cuenca del río Serpis [link]
Bone industry from vertebrates hard materials during the late Neolithic and Chalcolithic in the East of the Iberian Peninsula: the Serpis river basin [link]

Claudia Pau
Objetos de adorno en materias óseas del Calcolítico y del Bronce inicial del Sureste peninsular: los yacimientos de la provincia de Granada. [link]
Ornamental objects in bone materials from the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula: the sites in the province of Granada. [Link]

Virginia Barciela
Adornos personales en materias óseas en el este peninsular durante la Edad del Bronce [link]
Bone personal ornaments in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula during the Bronze Age [link]

Manuel Altamirano | Eva Alarcón | Auxilio Moreno | Marta Díaz-Zorita
La cueva de Biniadris (Menorca, España) y el hueso trabajado del registro funerario de la Edad de Bronce en las Islas Baleares [link]
The cave of Biniadris (Menorca, Spain) and the worked osseous assemblages from the Bronze Age funerary record in the Balearic Islands [link]

Marta Blasco
Artesanías sobre materias duras animales en la Edad del Hierro en el Este de la península Ibérica. El conjunto arqueológico de Ullastret [link]
Craftsmanship on hard animal materials in the Iron Age in the East of the Iberian Peninsula. The archaeological complex of Ullastret [link]